Uinsure awarded Defaqto 5 Star rating for the tenth consecutive year

Uinsure has been awarded a Defaqto 5 Star rating for its home insurance policies for a tenth consecutive year. 

Its BTL / Landlord products have also been awarded the highest Defaqto 5 Star rating for the ninth year in a row. 

The Defaqto 5 Star rating is integral as it gives advisers and their customers the confidence to know that they’re well covered should the unfortunate happen and they  

Defaqto, an independent body, rates policies based on all of the key features and benefits on offer, as well as any optional add-ons or extras, before giving an overall rating. 

The aim of the service is to ultimately give consumers an impartial and easy-to-understand assessment of an insurance product to help them weigh up benefits before purchasing. 

Advisers can utilise Uinsure’s Adviser Platform that has removed the complexities associated with GI to arrange Defaqto 5 Star rated cover. 

The hugely simplified quote and application process allows advisers to arrange one of the most comprehensive policies on the market in under a minute. 

To demonstrate value and quality of cover to your clients over price, use the Defaqto Compare tool here

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